Saturday, May 15, 2010

My 1 1/2yr old son is a picky eater!!!?

He got his teeth late- only about 3 months ago and will only eat grilled cheese, mac and cheese, fruits and yogurt. He hates all veggies, meat, potatoes/rice/beans, he won't even eat cherrios. Some days he will eat pasta with spag. sauce. I have introduced and reintroduced a zillion times and he will not try anything new. I have tried mixing veggies in his mac and cheese andhe picks them out, if I mash them in he won't eat it at all. What to do?

My 1 1/2yr old son is a picky eater!!!?
Patience and keep trying to introduce new foods.

Our (now 5yo) is also a picky eater. But what he eats has changed over time. As an example, at age 1.5, I could take him to McDonald's for a hamburger. By age 3, he wouldn't touch a hamburger. By age 5, he was back to eating hamburger. It took trying from age 3 to age 5 before he would each a Chik-Fil-a chicken nugget. Hot Dogs were his protein mainstay from age 1 to age 4. Now at age 5, he won't touch them.

So just keep trying, things will change over time.
Reply:I don't have children, but I think that the best thing for you to do is to start offering alternatives, and to NOT always offer those bad foods like mac and cheese. Sounds like he's formed a dependence around them, but he will eat other foods if he is hungry.

ok ok i retract my statement! sorry for the bad advice ... good luck with your son :)
Reply:calm down he will be fine! My 10 year old has always been picky... went through a stage where all he would eat was chicken nuggets. He still hates all cheese, most vegetables, and all fruits except green apples with absolutely no marks on them. He is healthy and growing right on track. I do get him to try new foods about once a week.... if he tries it he gets a prize (special dessert or something). If he doesn't like it he's allowed to spit it out in the garbage. I don't force him to eat anything. He takes flinstone vitamins... they make some for 2 and 3 year olds as long as its ok with your pediatrician at that age. Keep trying and you will find some things that he will eat and believe me... he will be fine!! You never know he could decide tomorrow that he only loves vegetables!
Reply:Don't worry too much about it. My daughter is 14 months and quite picky too. It doesn't help that she's on the slim side. Sometimes I panic when she refuses everything.

Like your child, she will eat mac and cheese until the cows come home. I only give it to her about once or twice a week when I can't get her to eat anything else because I don't want it to be an option too often. She will eat the peas I mix in, but the truth is, I can't really put in enough peas to make a nutritional difference, anyway.

I try not to worry too much about all of this because I know it's very typical. I understand how you feel, though.

One cute thing--even though my daughter is picky, she wants to please me and tries to agree with me. I will tell her something is yummy, MMMMMMM! and she will take a bite and say MMMMMMMMMM, then spit it all over her bib. She will even take several bites in a row, saying MMMMMM every time, then spitting it right back out. Then if I say, "You don't like it?" She will shake her head no really fast. SOOOOOOO cute.

Good luck!
Reply:I wouldn't stress over it either.

Try very small portions when introducing something new.

A lot of foods, especially the ones with nutritional value, are an aquired taste.
Reply:I wouldn't worry too much. My 18 month old sounds almost exactly like yours. I would just keep trying to introduce new foods to him. From everything I read, this is a normal stage for them at this age. I think it's more important to keep trying and not make food a horrible issue. My little one won't touch anything that's green yet, but we keep trying. Don't punish him for not liking the taste of something, I wouldn't appreciate someone making me eat brussel sprouts.

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