Saturday, May 15, 2010

Very young stray baby kitten.. what can I do?

Well I went to mom's friend's house, and there are these outdoor 'stray' cats. Then I saw there was one kitten I think only 2 weeks old, eyes wide open, ears up and then TINY baby teeth, which appeared to have come in very recently,. His tongue was kinda sticking out becasue his teeth arent

big yet. He had no siblings and his mom wasn't there often at all, although I gave her the kitten when she came so she could nurse him.

He is so young I had to help him pee, and he was barely walking.. he could walk but not fast or far, and I saw mom cat pick him up by the scruff

So I named him Pablo and I'd like to adopt him. He is currently where I visited him, and he is sleeping under the grill to be protected from the rain.

Can I tamke him to the vets now, can I feed him KMR instead, what is the chance he has Feline Aids or anything like that any signs? , And how old is he really?

Please tell me all of your info and how to raise him. BTW the other strays will get spayed/neutered..

Very young stray baby kitten.. what can I do?
HAHA!! I have been there. A Few years ago I found a kitten stuck in a hole in the wall of an apartment complex. It had blue eyes still, meaning it was still a little blind and it could not walk. She was so small I could hold her in my hand. I took her to the vet that day, so you are safe in doing the same. If the vet feels confident enough, they will give her the tests she needs. FeLV is the most important... But, not to worry, even that can be managed.

My little kitty became epileptic for a time and I had to stop nursing and feed her cheerios.. lol It took some coaxing, but, when she got hungry, she ate. She had problems processing protiens. Eventually, it passed...

If your baby kitty has any special diet needs, the vet will suggest them. There are even special prescription foods for baby cats... On the cheap side, your local PetSmart sells special kitty milk and little bottles. Dont give your kitty the milk we drink. In fact, dont ever give a cat our milk. There are a million reasons why, so just heed my warning.

The best advice I can give you though is just to love it, socialize it and give it a bath! Check for ticks.... Being away from mom, kitty will have different traits... Pablo may bite or scratch more than usual. Just be persistant to keep kitty from doing these things. They learn not to bite from their litter mates.. They play, get bit and realize it hurts.. Same with the scratching. Just be patient and dont yell or physically punish the kitten or it will develop mental disorders much like an abused child!! As funny as that seems, it is the honest truth!

Other than that, just do what comes naturally... Deep down, you know what to do. For all the other things that you dont know, just ask the vet!
Reply:feed it!

good luck!
Reply:Get him inside away from the outside elements ASAP! A kitten that young needs not to be outside. Neither do any other cats for that matter.

Take it to the vet and have a bunch of questions ready for them. Call the vet at least and get some advice on what to feed him. He needs to be inside for sure.

Good luck!
Reply:If the eyes are open the kitten is at least three weeks old. Is it eating cat food? The sooner to the vet the better. He can schedule worming, vaccinations, and spay/neuter when it's time. i think it would be great if you adopted this kitten. He needs to be a warm, dry place where he's safe from predators (hawks, dogs, bigger cats). Bring him home and love him (bring Mom too) ♥
Reply:Normally kittens need to be with their mothers for more than 2 weeks. When you buy a kitten it is usually around 6-8 weeks old. I would probably call the vet and just ask what you should do. I really feel heart broken when an animal such as this gets sick or hurt. I'm not too much help but I'm sure someone else will be.
Reply:You can take it to the vets and they can tell you better the age I would say between 3-4 weeks.

Yes he could have a number of diseases but can't be vaccinated at this time.

If possible take mom to the vets at the same time and they can pretty much do test on her to see if she has anything and if she doesn't good chance kitten doesn't either.

If you can keep the kitten with mom it is the best and at that age mom will start to leave them more. at 4 weeks they can begin being weaned.

if you do take her away from mom for now get a kitten replacement formula and bottle and feed take to the vets for a better idea of age and you might be able to start feeding her kitten chow moistened to a soup Constancy and give that to her.
Reply:Call your vet and see what they say. It can be raised on KMR. They can give you the best advice and work with you to make sure this little guy stays okay. Do you feel there's some danger in letting him stay with his mom? Can you take them both in?? Moms carry their babies this way. It is totally natural. If she's nursing him, leave her some good food, maybe make his house a little better protected if at all possible. She will stay where she can get food. And at this age, the mom leaves the kitten quite a bit. They don't think anything of it, it's just normal stuff to them.
Reply:the kitten is at least 3 weeks old since its eyes were open. An FEED it right away, take it to the vet is an excellent idea, get the shots he can get, and take him inside after ther vet. since they were strays, you dont need to ADOPT persay. but, you might want to get a chip in him so that he can be yours. The vet will tell you all you need to know and like what type of food he can have right now. Good Luck!
Reply:i have adopted around 2 weekold abandoned stray kittens before..and let me tell need to be commited to it requires much attention. my cats turned out healthy and well raised by the powder kitten milk sold at the pet stores. also the temperature of the milk is very important. you should look into that on the web. be sure to not choke the kitten with too much milk. after feeding it with milk, be sure to rub the it burps. you should keep the cat in a box with towels or blankets..and you are going to have to wash it and clean it everyday because it is too young to teach litter box to. lots discharge from the eye, as well as blood in pee or stool is an important thing to look out for. you should take him to the vet for consultation and the vet would be able to tell approx. age for the kitten..and when it is old enough, you can get any treatment for fleas, vaccines it needs. good luck!
Reply:hes probably around 2-3 weeks old. he will still need a bottle of kmr or mom. If you want to tame him, i would recommend taking him in... that way he becomes use to human contact before he learns to fear humans. yes you should take him to the vet just to make sure he is hydrated, flee free and healthy. the vet should also teach you how to care for the kitten... here is a great website for the care of unweaned kittens

best of luck!!!!
Reply:You've gotten some very good advice here, especially from Micheal D.

You don't really need me to tell you what to do. Between the advice here and what you will hear when you call a vet (which you should do), you'll know.

As far as Feline AIDS or Leukemia, you will get him tested for that, along with everything else he needs, when/if you take him to the vet. There aren't really any signs for you to look for in such a little kitten. Either way, he'll be fine.

You know, I often worry when I hear about kids adopting kittens, but I'm not worried about you. You sound very intelligent and on top of the situation. I'm impressed. I've rescued and fostered a lot of kittens and adopted a few, so I know. You're doing it right so far. Keep it up and have fun.
Reply:I think it is a good idea to first get him inside and then feed him. You should take him to the vets soon to make sure all is good. The kitten is like a baby and needs to be protected. Go get it and be its new mom. Good Luck!

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