Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why do vegetarians whine so much?

"You save lives if you become a vegetarian"

Whoop dee do. I'm fully within my rights to eat whatever meat I want. You don't see me telling vegetarians that I think they are morons (although I advise against it), so why do they think they can imply we're murderers? Guess what, most species rely upon preying on other species, does that make them murderers? I'm not torturing the darn things, I'm not into that sorta of thing (for those that are, see "insane"). Oh, and for those that think that the vegetarian lifestyle is killing free:

Just a little bit of advice, Maddox isn't bs-ing this.

Stop whining and calling us killers, we have the teeth we have for a reason (don't believe me? go ahead and throw out anthropology while you're at it).

I don't care if you want to become a vegetarian, just don't try and make me feel guilty about my diet (cause it won't work)

once again: Why do vegetarians whine so much? (Sweeping Generalization!!!)

Why do vegetarians whine so much?
Most vegetarians who I have met do not seem to want to listen to the fact that physiologically, we are not designed to be vegetarians. I won't go so far as to say that a vegetarian diet decreases intelligence, but I will say that in my experience, most vegetarians do not put forth sound arguments supporting their beliefs. I support their right to believe and eat what they choose, but the rest of us certainly have the same rights.
Reply:because they're hungry!
Reply:Because they are sooooooooooooooooooooo dang hungry!!!

Edit: hehe!! Godess you beat me to it!
Reply:I'm not sure about other vegetarians, but I don't walk up to people and condemn them because they eat meat, this is not right and unhelpful. I am vegetarian because I feel we need to lessen the use of hormones and inhumane raising of the animals. I hope you don't think all vegetarians are like that. Everything must consume something else, whether an animal or not, and if you choose to maintain your diet that way, go right ahead. Just be aware of what we are forcing animals to go through.

I do see how you could get that perception. Here's why:

They are trying to make the world a better place, but are doing so in the worst way possible, by trying to put others down. They feel they are better than others because of what they are doing, and so deceive themselves into believing that all others are 'evil' because they eat meat.
Reply:There are many vegetarians out there. I know many people the are. I don't think that they all view that they are saving lives. Most of them just like eating better and it's there choice. Not all of the vegetarians are talking to you about how bad meat is. Just a few. It's too bad because those that are preaching to you about it are giving all vegetarians a bad name. Vegans are probably the people that are talking to you about it-they don't agree with animals being used for anything. Vegetarians drink milk and eat cheeses and stuff like that.
Reply:%26lt;wyomugs is sweeping the generalization under the rug%26gt;

Frankly, I find that it is only those vegetarians who chose to be vegetarian for some political, moral, or such reason who are the "whiners." They have a point to make, they have an issue to promote... they have an underlying agenda.

Those who chose vegetarianism strictly for health and diet reasons do not whine. They have no bones to pick (PUN INTENDED!) with those who of us who are omnivores.

Have a polite day.
Reply:I have a 14 year old half sister who is a vegetarian. I will admit she doesn't whine but she will talk down on anyone who eats meat.

2 years ago, it was my stepmom's birthday party. The party was at an upscale Chinese restaurant. I wasn't there but her family was including my half sister. The main course was a whole roast duck. My sister made rude comments about it and before anyone could say anything, she abruptly got up from her seat and walked away!

I told my sister that just because she is a vegetarian doesn't mean she has to condemn everyone for eating meat. I told her to realize that when she's a vegetarian, people are going to continue to eat meat and that she'll just have to accept that.

Oh yeah, every time she said I was "cruel to animals," I told her that those vegetables she eats were probably picked by a six year old migrant farm worker who gets paid about $10 a day.
Reply:I agree and see lots of whining here from them. Sort of a look at me, and how special I am. I know one "vegetarian" who lives on carbohydrates and is fat as a pig. I also know some who are just too plain lazy to cook a real meal.

And for the guy whose fiance is a vegetarian, just wait until you are married and see how considerate she is of your wants, desires and lifestyles.

I could care less, but they generally are NOT invited to my dinners, and I don't buy into their arguments, but wish them the best of luck. Hopefully someone will convince them that it is unhealthy for their children.
Reply:Look who's whining now...
Reply:Umm... OK. I was actually going to reply that I am a vegetarian, and I don't whine, but if this was nothing but a joke... well... yeah 2 free points?
Reply:I didn't read your rant beyond "whine", but my fiancee is a vegetarian and I'm sure nothing you say applies to her, especially the whining part. Please stop being a bastard by grouping all people into your predefined stereotypes.

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