Saturday, May 15, 2010

Oh my! How the hell did this happen?!!?

My son never was breastfed, he drank only pumped breastmilk in bottles (evil, evil EVIL gerber bottles) for over a year. Oh, my...but he has perfect teeth and a beautiful white smile. Did the breast fairy accidently bless my bottlefed child with good jaw and tooth structure and slight some poor breastfed somewhere? I mean, I read up here from all the saintly breastfeeding mothers that my kid should look like Billy Bob in the grill area by now. (Age 6).

How did my boy get perfect teeth?? Oh, don't tell me...they'll Billy Bob later...right? Overnight on his ninth birthday or just before college, right?

Oh my! How the hell did this happen?!!?
Yeah. Something went wrong and I never got breastmilk (or colostrum). Double D's and they are useless. Go figure.

Anyway, people talk about all the problems formula fed babies will have. My son slept through the night since he was about a month old and never got so much as a runny nose until he was over a year old.

I know, we're evil moms.
Reply:WTH is your problem? The poor kid.
Reply:Good genes
Reply:It's just another one of those wive's tales so that you won't have a 6 year old with a bottle going to preschool.
Reply:Ithey are that perfect now they will probably stay that way. Consider yourself blessed.
Reply:HAHAH. those other moms just like to think that they know everything. i bottle feed my twins. they're perfectly happy and handsome.
Reply:whats the fu*k u talkin bout.
Reply:Good teeth can be hereditary. Your soncould've picked up a dominant or recessive trait from someone in your family. It does not always have to do with how you were fed as a baby
Reply:Just make sure you take away his pacifier before too long, otherwise he will get front teeth that grow straight out!
Reply:Why are you drilling into the topic? Be happy for you son.
Reply:somehow your kid got good teeth just give him up for adoption to a family that will love those pearly whites
Reply:Bottle feeding damages the teeth when the baby is left with a bottle propped in its mouth all the time. Genetics also help.
Reply:thats funny!! just count your lucky stars!!
Reply:Hello?!! Breast Milk! nuff said!
Reply:Why are u worried. They are perfect, just take care of them.
Reply:Sounds like you didn't want to hold the little fellow close to you.

Why are you on a rant?

Reply:yeah, a saintly breastfeeding mother here ( I will never have regrets on breastfeeding a very premature baby, sorry). anyway.. i'll state the obvious and say that no one ever said that "all" bottlefed kids will have bad teeth, but do some do because of it? SURE. I think pacifiers are often to blame too. why get sarcastic and nasty , when you KNOW that reasonable people do not think that way??? wait wait, maybe YOU'RE not reasonable!
Reply:I don't know who these people were that told you that but as you can see, it's simply not true.

Personally, I've never heard that but I don't live wherever you do I guess.

I think you're venting your anger at the wrong people though, or was it someone on the internet who gave you such bad information?
Reply:Hun if he chewed a lot of stuff or/and sucked on things a lot then yes he MAY get bigger sized teeth but as long as he brushes flosses and uses mouth wash he will be just fine!!!!
Reply:I think you are supposed to be happy that he has perfect teeth. Make sure that he takes good care of them . This is going to save you tons of money ! Now you do not have to pay for braces.
Reply:Why are you being so defensive. If you think you did the right thing it's nobody's're the mother you make the decisions.
Reply:i have three sons all were formula fed and the doctors and dentists say they have the cleanest healthyest teeth theyve seen for a while!! (all any of them have ever had are cleanings and look at's)theyve never needed anything more!!

It comes from proper nutrition and proper oral hygine!!!

I was breastfeed and when i turned 14 my teeth began rotting out!! even thou i brushed my teeth. (the dentist "cleaned" my teeth of all the enamal, causing them to be pron to decay up till then i had perfect teeth other than them being BIG) (bad dentist)

it has nothing to do with breast milk (thats a myth in my book) it has to do with GOOD dentists care and proper oral hygine!
Reply:Whoa - let's just calm down a tetch. You DID breast-feed, you just didn't use your boob directly. There are a lot of moms who do this for many reasons. There is no data to support the Boob Nazi's claims that bottles are evil. The people on here are just ignorant because they believe everything they're told. I'm having a tough time dealing with the sheep and moron brigade here myself, so I understand your frustration. I'm glad your little guy has a nice smile - I'm sure it keeps him out of a lot of trouble. Now it's your turn to smile, grit your own pearly whites (he gets them from good genes, not from how he was nourished as an infant, but just try to change a mind here and you'll end up banging your head against the wall) and think "What a bunch of complete idiots" to yourself when you read something stupid on here. I'm learning how to do that myself...

Good luck! poor thing you! When you get so many opinions and answers, don't you know by now you need to filter them out. Quit believing so much craziness! It's obviously making you crazy! I have breastfed 2 of mine and bottle-fed the other 2. All of them have perfect teeth. No pacifiers!!!! Be blessed. He has the teeth that God wants him to have. Not everyone is blessed with that! And be nice to others! Don't be so mean and hateful with innocent people who are just giving "opinions".
Reply:When I was delivering my first the nurse asked me if I planned to breatfeed and I said no. She went through her speach, and told me all the pros and cons. Then a few minutes later she was telling me what a hard time she was having with her daughter because she has really bad allergies. To wheat, milk, on and on and on. Then I asked her,"She was breastfed right?" She got the point and left me alone. My kids are beautiful, SMART(because you know bottle fed babies are stupid) little girls.
Reply:you know what is worse than people who push breast feeding? People like you. I have never heard of a bottle ruining teeth.(rotting yes if you put them to bed with a bottle due to sweetness of milk but that can go for breast milk too) Thumb sucking yes...bottle no. You need help to deal with your anger issues. Do you feel inadequate that you couldn't breastfeed only express and use a bottle ( which by the way good for you for doing this I don't think i could do it for that long) because this is how you come across.

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