My boyfriends son (17yr) wants a grill and his other sons girlfriend actually bought a grill??? They are punk-hardcore kids. Please someone tell me why some "fall out boy" fan who likes americas next top model, and boyfriend is in a hardcore-thrash band, would want a grill?? These kids arent't from the gettho, someone please, tell me what the appeal is for kids to want a grill. BTW; Grill=gold, silver plates to go over teeth
Other than for the attention, what is the appeal for kids to get "grills"?
Oh god, those are awful...I have NEVER seen one on ANYONE that looked good...shudder...
Reply:Everyone else has them.
i want to be an indivisual, just like everyone else
Reply:To drive their parents nuts,....and to "fit in."
Reply:Temporary Insanity???
Reply:they think it's cool... hopefully it's only a phase they are going through
Reply:I can't imagine why kids want those things other than for the attention. I think they're quite hideous.
Reply:It is human nature to want what you don't have.
People love to spend money on things they don't need or truly want to "keep up with the Jones"
Let him do what he wants and dump him for lack of class.
Move on girl! Get someone better with a future!
Reply:Because if you get a "grill" you can be a famous black rapper and have all of the honeys. You can do drugs and not get caught, curse to your momma and it is OK and you can also shoot people, be a gangsta and basically everything else that rap music glorifies get away with bringing down the American Youth.
Reply:I don't know but I think there ugly.
Reply:It's peer pressure. Just like boys when i was in school all wanted earrings and their parents had a hissy fit.
Funny thing is, an earring is just that, and they don't have to be expensive.
i suspect grills ARE expensive and I also suspect they can do long term damage to your teeth. But what teenager actually thinks about his or her future? Certainly not the ones wasting money on "grills" and how idiotic it will look on them when they are 40, or if they have no teeth left when they are 40 because they all rotted off due to enamel wear and cavities from not being able to brush properly.
Reply:Ewww....I think they are so gross! It looks like they're tryin to hide some rotting teeth.
Reply:they are just influenced by what they see on t.v. I'm 18 and I'm not influenced by it because i think there lyrics have no meaning but that's whats hot now that's why the want grills.
Reply:Its 1. to follow the crowds 2. because they think its cool 3.And thats what all the male stars are wearing and thats what they want to be 4. they think it gets the girls attention
but let me tell you i am 15 and a girl and i dont think ther all that so just tell um that !!!
Reply:i have no idea why they would want a grill if they aren't into hip hop or rap. i personally don't like grills it seems like a rude display of wealth, plus they look strange
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